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Going "green" means rethinking the way we currently live and how our actions affect the world around us. Here are some tips to help guide you:

Save Energy

  • Turn on the "System Standby" mode on your computer. (Click Control Panel, Display, Screen Saver, Power, and set the amount of idle time before the System Standby mode will initiate):  92% reduction in power usage
  • Turn off computer at night
  • Turn off personal printers
  • Replace desk lamp bulb with fluorescent bulb:  75% reduction in energy usage and saves 100lbs of CO2 per bulb every year
  • Plug electronics into power strip and turn off when not in use. Electronics continue to use power even when they are not turned on:  75% of energy usage from electronics is consumed when the products are turned off
  • Lower the thermostat on your water heater to 120潞
  • Use ceiling fans to reduce air conditioning and heating

Reduce Waste

  • Use a water bottle and coffee cup instead of disposable cups:  the average person creates 4-5lbs of waste a day and 1,600lbs a year
  • Use rechargeable batteries in electronics, such as your wireless mouse and keyboard. (these can be purchased at Office Depot)
  • Set double sided printing as the default:  an average worker uses 10,000 sheets of paper a year
  • Transport groceries via your own reusable canvas bags instead of using paper or plastic bags:  reusable bags are available in the 成人直播 bookstore

Reduce Air Emissions

  • Utilize the Rideshare Program and carpool, vanpool, or take the bus to work:  saves 1,590lbs CO2 per year
  • Take the around campus
  • Pack a lunch or eat on campus

Save Water

  • Install low flow toilets or shower heads:  reduces water consumption by about 50%
  • Wash full loads of laundry:  1 load of laundry uses an average of 32 gallons of water
  • Reduce shower time by 1 minute:  showers use an average of 20 gallons of water
  • Turn off water while brushing teeth in the morning and at night:  saves an average of 6 gallons of water
  • Repair leaky fixtures:  one drop per second results in 520 gallons a year

Buy Organic

While buying organic can get expensive, you can stretch your health-conscious dollar by focusing on the fruits and vegetables that tend to hold higher levels of pesticides and toxins. Here are the 鈥榙irty dozen' the Environmental Working Group lists as the most contaminated fruits and vegetables and which should be bought organic:

  • Peach, Apple, Bell Pepper, Celery, Nectarine, Strawberries, Cherries, Kale, Lettuce, Grapes (imported), Carrot, and Pear

It is worth buying these organic if you are looking to reduce the amount of toxins and pesticides you ingest. Here are a list of the least contaminated fruits and vegetables that you do not have to necessarily buy organic:

  • Onion, Avocado, Sweet corn, Pineapple, Mango, Asparagus, Sweet Peas, Kiwi, Cabbage, Eggplant, Papaya, and Watermelon

Eco Driving Challenge

provides multiple ways to drive more efficiently, including an instructional video.  This site provides multiple tips on how to reduce fuel use and emissions, while saving you money.  They also offer an interactive that teaches the best way to drive in order to obtain the highest fuel efficiency.